Anyone who buys this domain for $ 2200 (slightly negotiable) will be offered two free and domains, ie three domains at the same price. If you create a site that will work for this domain and redirect the other two domains, you will get the customer related to this.
If anyone wants this look, he should contact me directly, Thank you
Domain Details
Domain category: Entertainment — Adult
Popular keyword: baby is a widely used keyword.
Memorable: is easy to remember.
SLD: BabyFuck
Keywords: baby fuck
Language: English – 99.99%
TLDs Taken: .COM .NET .ORG
Avg Search Results (keyword): 88,400
Avg Search Results (sld): 23,000
Overture (keyword): 291
Word Tracker (keyword): 146
Average Monthly Searches: 9963
Average Cost Per Click: $0.36 USD
Average Ad Competition: medium Domain Appraisals and Fairness Opinions
Appraisal Value: $1,800.00
Godaddy Estimated Value: $1,602
FreevaluatoEstimated Value: $ 2,155.90
Estibot Appraisal Value:$1800